Crypto Heroes — Credits
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Hello Noku family!
Another week, another big news: many of you already got familiar with Credits by playing World Super League and starting from this week they landed on Crypto Heroes as well!
In case you don’t know how they work there’s already an article we wrote back in time, but if you need a quick recap here it is: Credits are an in-game currency inside the platform with a constant value, so they are not subject to fluctuations of the crypto market

The main purpose of this in-game currency is to facilitate purchases in our Store and Marketplace. It’s possible to buy them via Stripe and Noku and you can sell your Crypto Heroes NFTs for Credits as well.
One more interesting thing, that you will like for sure, it’s that we will add prizes per match so you’ll have the chance to strenghten your collection.
If you are wondering how is it possible, well, today we updated our store which is now listing Crypto Heroes packs both in Noku and Credits!

What’s next?

As we said, Credits will be added as prizes per match in specific Crypto Heroes competitions, starting with the next one: BUTERIN.
The tournament will last 2 weeks as usual, with 4 rounds in total but with a completely new reward system, including prizes per match!
This is the first tournament with a mixed formula, let’s have a look at the rewards in details:

We hope you’ll enjoy this new formula and, as always, we will be glad to have your feedback about this new update!

Have fun with the Buterin tournament, Heroes!

About Noku

Noku ( is a web3 platform dedicated to the NFT world with its own blockchain.
Crypto Heroes ( is the first play-to-earn game developed on the Nokuchain: it’s a trading card game where your results are related to the performance of the cryptocurrencies you chose in a specific match.
Heroes: Genesis ( is the first official PFP collection on our platform through the NPFS PROTOCOL (Noku-Planetary-File-System)
The architecture developed by Noku for ERC 721-N allows metadata to be shared across multiple chains but having unique data for all of them, through the NPFS protocol. This is to prevent dissimilarity of data across chains.
Nokuverse (
The Nokuverse is the first colony founded by the Heroes, a group of enlightened people who decided to leave the Earth after years of inflation and struggling.
Follow them in this play-to-earn environment where you can win NFT packs and other amazing rewards!
NFT Farming Club (
A new feature where you can earn rewards from different collections without even having to stake them. Keep an eye on it since we costantly add new collections!



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Play with cryptos at airdrop to all the accounts coming soon…

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