Brave Heroes, the galaxy needs you!
Starting from today we are launching a mini-game inside our Discord which will work as an IGO, you will find it here:
How does it work?
HeroesBot has both an active and a passive aspect.
You can passively obtain different resources like fuel/materials/token by respectively chatting/working/going on mission.
Those resources will be needed to craft ships/weapons/armor which will make the difference in the active part of the mini-game.
Ship + materials + weapon is what players will need to fight the boss
Token + weapon will be needed for PvP
What are those resources for?
Once you got enough resources you can actively play the mini-game.
At the beginning there will be two features: Boss and PvP
The Boss has a certain amount of HPs and all the players will cooperate to bring it to 0, once he’s dead we will reward the best players with NFTs, WL and other assets.
Every attack will decrease the Boss’ life depending on the equipment of each player.
The leader board will determine our best players so, of course:
Better rank -> better rewards
Through PvP our players can fight each other and the winner will gain tokens.
This is an Alpha stage, in the near future we will add our PFP collection as an asset, so those who actually own one of our NFTs will have a further bonus in PvP and Boss.
This will work as a preview of a future feature we will implement in Noku.
Command list
Here you can find all the commands for our IGO:
- By typing !work in #work you can get a certain amount of materials (every hour)
- By typing !mission in #mission you receive a certain amount of token every day.
-You will get fuel by simply chatting in the #general-chat channel.
- By typing !craft you will be able to craft ships or equipment.
Both are needed to fight: weapons to attack, equipment to defend.
- By typing !quest you will fight the boss.
- By typing !bag will open your inventory.
- By typing !market you will open the marketplace, where you can sell your unneeded resources.
For the first week we will distribute daily and weekly rewards!
Daily rewards:
Top 3 positions: WL + one standard pack each
4th–10th: 1 standard pack each
Weekly rewards:
Top 3 positions: 1 gold pack each
4th–10th: 1 standard pack each
That’s all for now Heroes!
We will see you in the metaverse.