Exciting news, Noku fam!
We just released a new update that includes a notification center.
With this new feature, Noku users are now able to choose which notifications they receive on the platform and which ones via e-mail.
This is a significant improvement over the previous system, which as you know used the e-mail to deliver tournament prizes.
From now on the Notification Center will become the main way to check what’s going on with your Noku account, regarding our games, your wallet and the marketplace!
Keep an eye at that little bell close to your avatar, that’s where the important news will be delivered!
Of course if you like to receive your rewards and updates via e-mail you don’t need to worry, we made this new feature customizable.
Just head to the link below:
From there, you can see a list of all the types of notifications and choose which ones you still want to receive via email. It’s also possible to flag all of them with a X: which would mean that users will stay up-to-date on the platform only, without having to constantly check it for updates.
The new notification center also makes it easier for users to manage their notifications. They can choose to still receive emal notifications for certain types of content, such as wallet or rewards, and turn off notifications for other types of content that they don’t find relevant.
Overall, we consider this new update as a welcome change for our users. With the added flexibility and control over notifications, now you can stay engaged with the platform in a better way and keep an eye on everything!
As always, we will appreciate your feedback on this new update.
See you in-game!
Noku (https://www.noku.io/) is a web3 platform dedicated to the NFT world with its own blockchain.
Crypto Heroes (https://cryptoheroes.noku.io/) is the first play-to-earn game developed on the Nokuchain: it’s a trading card game where your results are related to the performance of the cryptocurrencies you chose in a specific match.
Heroes: Genesis (https://heroes.noku.io/) is the first official PFP collection on our platform through the NPFS PROTOCOL (Noku-Planetary-File-System)
The architecture developed by Noku for ERC 721-N allows metadata to be shared across multiple chains but having unique data for all of them, through the NPFS protocol. This is to prevent dissimilarity of data across chains.
Nokuverse (https://metaverse.noku.io/)
The Nokuverse is the first colony founded by the Heroes, a group of enlightened people who decided to leave the Earth after years of inflation and struggling.
Follow them in this play-to-earn environment where you can win NFT packs and other amazing rewards!
NFT Farming Club (https://wallet.noku.io/app/farming)
A new feature where you can earn rewards from different collections without even having to stake them. Keep an eye on it since we costantly add new collections!