What’s up Noku fam?
Many of you asked for this feature and we delivered it!
Starting from today, indeed, you can buy WSL Credits (the in-game currency of World Super League) with Noku, our coin!
Let’s see how it works.
First thing first: let’s click on BUY CREDITS on WSL home page.
This will lead you to the section where it’s possible to buy our in-game currency, where you will notice that we finally added the Noku option next to the standard ones.
By clicking on Noku you will get the interface shown below:
All you have to do is type the amount of WSL Credits you want to buy, in this case we put 50.000, and the system will automatically show you the amount of Noku you must own on your “My Noku Wallet”.
To complete the purchase you just have to click on “Unlock wallet” and you will be able to do that through private key, JSON file or metamask.
It’s up to you.
That’s it.
A few easy steps and you can get enough credits to buy packs from our store or cards from the marketplace!
See you on the pitch, managers!
About Noku
Noku (https://www.noku.io/) is a web3 platform dedicated to the NFT world with its own blockchain.
Crypto Heroes (https://cryptoheroes.noku.io/) is the first play-to-earn game developed on the Nokuchain: it’s a trading card game where your results are related to the performance of the cryptocurrencies you chose in a specific match.
Heroes: Genesis (https://heroes.noku.io/) is the first official PFP collection on our platform through the NPFS PROTOCOL (Noku-Planetary-File-System)
The architecture developed by Noku for ERC 721-N allows metadata to be shared across multiple chains but having unique data for all of them, through the NPFS protocol. This is to prevent dissimilarity of data across chains.
Nokuverse (https://metaverse.noku.io/)
The Nokuverse is the first colony founded by the Heroes, a group of enlightened people who decided to leave the Earth after years of inflation and struggling.
Follow them in this play-to-earn environment where you can win NFT packs and other amazing rewards!
NFT Farming Club (https://wallet.noku.io/app/farming)
A new feature where you can earn rewards from different collections without even having to stake them. Keep an eye on it since we costantly add new collections!