3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Good Morning HEROES!

Today’s article will unveil a new and exciting game mode for our game.

“The 16 Changes Match”

During the course of the match, which will run from 2 PM to 12 AM as always, players will be able to make 16 changes.
Unlike the previous mode, there will be no set timeframes for changes (exception for all desired changes have to be made before 8PM), but penalties will be applied for each substitution.
Please note: the malus will be applied to every card you deployed after the beginning.

We decided to add this new game mode to give an easier approach to our players, you don’t have to worry if you missed the beginning since you still can join with a very small malus!

In this specific kind of MATCH you can join whenever you want, but of course with a malus related to the delay.
Another important aspect regards the prize pool: to make things more spicy, we added 145 NOKU to the reward pool of this specific match!

The penalties will increase progressively from 0.1% to 3%, with the corresponding percentage being subtracted from the total score.

This new game mode, the 16 Changes Match, brings a new level of strategy and decision-making to our trading card game. With the ability to make more changes, players will have to carefully consider the timing and impact of each substitution. Is it worth taking a penalty for a crucial change late in the game, or is it better to conserve your score?

Players will also need to think about their overall strategy for the game. With more changes available, it may be tempting to constantly shuffle your lineup, but this could ultimately hurt your score in the long run.
Finding the right balance between making changes and maintaining your score will be key to winning in the 16 Changes Match.

As with all game modes in our trading card game, the 16 Changes Match offers a unique challenge and opportunity for players to showcase their skills and creativity. We look forward to seeing how players adapt and excel in this exciting new game mode.

About Noku

Noku ( is a web3 platform dedicated to the NFT world with its own blockchain.
Crypto Heroes ( is the first play-to-earn game developed on the Nokuchain: it’s a trading card game where your results are related to the performance of the cryptocurrencies you chose in a specific match.
Heroes: Genesis ( is the first official PFP collection on our platform through the NPFS PROTOCOL (Noku-Planetary-File-System)
The architecture developed by Noku for ERC 721-N allows metadata to be shared across multiple chains but having unique data for all of them, through the NPFS protocol. This is to prevent dissimilarity of data across chains.
Nokuverse (
The Nokuverse is the first colony founded by the Heroes, a group of enlightened people who decided to leave the Earth after years of inflation and struggling.
Follow them in this play-to-earn environment where you can win NFT packs and other amazing rewards!
NFT Farming Club (
A new feature where you can earn rewards from different collections without even having to stake them. Keep an eye on it since we costantly add new collections!



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Play with cryptos at airdrop to all the accounts coming soon…

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